Agenda item

Virtual School Headteacher Report 2013/14

[To receive a report on the work of the Virtual School for Looked After Children (LAC) over the 2013/14 academic year and to note the successes, learning points and areas for further development]


Darren Martindale, COPE Team Manager / Virtual School Head, presented the Virtual School Headteacher report 2013/14. The report informed the Board of the work of the Virtual School for Looked after Children (LAC) over the 2013/14 academic year and highlighted successes, learning points and areas for further development.


With regard to school admissions, Cllr Rita Potter questioned who made the selection for LAC. The COPE Team Manager / Virtual School Head advised that with In City placements LAC were treated in exactly the same way as mainstream children i.e. consideration would be given when the child was in Year 5 as to the options available and the individual child would be involved in the nomination of preferences. Similarly, in the case of In Year Transfers, support would be given including attendance at the School Admission Appeals Panel if necessary.


Cllr Mrs Christine Mills referred to those LAC who had not attained an 85% attendance at school and questioned whether this related primarily to those children in residential care and at the higher age range. The COPE Team Manager / Virtual School Head confirmed this to be the case. He also explained steps which had been taken to address unofficial exclusions where children attending Pupil Referral Units were sent home but were not marked on the Attendance Register as absent. In addressing this issue however the number of official exclusions had increased with the consequential effect on non-attendance statistics. In response to a question from Cllr Paula Brookfield he advised that non-attendance was an issue with a small group and it was being focussed on with a variety of options being made available with a view to achieving re-engagement. It was intended to use Educational Psychologist support in future funded through the Pupil Premium.


Cllr Martin Waite enquired as to whether Education Support Officers attended Out of City Placements.  The COPE Team Manager / Virtual School Head responded that with only 2.5 full time equivalent posts, the postholders concentrated on In City placements with Out of City placements being supported by the Senior Teacher Advisor and himself. He advised that the Educational Psychologists also supported LAC in Out of City placements. 


Cllr Mrs Patricia Patten enquired as to whether in a case where a school was over- subscribed i.e. where applications for places exceeded the admission limit if any form of preferential treatment was available for LAC. The COPE Team Manager / Virtual School Head reported that this was the case both in terms of exceeding Infant Class limits and under Fair Access protocols.


Cllr Jasbinder Dehar welcomed the proposals for the new Personal Education Plans (PEP’s) including for those children with Special Educational Needs and the 16 – 18 year groups. She questioned the support provided to children where English was an additional language. The COPE Team Manager / Virtual School Head reported that his Team worked closely with the EAL (English Additional Language) Team and on the differing teaching strategies available for use with those children.


Cllr Jasbinder Dehar sought clarification as to the work undertaken by the “Beanstalk” Volunteer Reading Help (VRH) programme. The COPE Team Manager / Virtual School Head reported that this involved a group of volunteers attending primary schools and providing 1:1 support in learning to read. This initiative had been in use in the City for some considerable time and was also used by a number of other local authorities. 


With reference to Personal Education Plans (PEP’s), Cllr Julie Hodgkiss reminded the Board that the Children in Care Council had expressed a wish for meetings on these to be held outside school hours if possible to avoid stigmatisation of LAC. The COPE Team Manager / Virtual School Head reported that he was addressing this matter with Designated Teachers and it had been raised at PEP training sessions with a request that the meetings be held at more appropriate times. Cllr Martin Waite suggested that there was a need to improve the attendance of Social Workers at PEP meetings and enquired whether the attendance would improve as a result of the recruitment of additional Social Workers. The COPE Team Manager / Virtual School Head advised that this would be the case and that he considered it to be critical that Social Workers attended and contributed to such meetings. The Service Director Children and Young People commented that the recruitment of additional Social workers would improve the quality of interventions and would, therefore, also reduce individual caseloads enabling greater attention to each child.



1. That the report be received and noted;

2. That the COPE Team Manager / Virtual School Head and his team be congratulated on the report and the work undertaken during the 2013/14 academic year;

3. That the Children in Care Council be invited to submit comments on the report and to send representatives to a future meeting to present any comments with a view to shaping future strategic decision making and scrutiny;

4. That future reports include detailed information pertaining to participation of LAC in further and higher education.  

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