Agenda item

Update on the work of the suicide prevention stakeholder forum

[Neeraj Malhotra,Consultant in Public Health, to present report]



Neeraj Malhotra, Consultant in Public Health, introduced the report on the work of the suicide prevention stakeholder forum and invited panel members to comment on progress. The Consultant in Public Health commented on the desire to have more regular attendance by a representative of the RWHT at meetings of the forum. The Chief Executive agreed to have a discussion with Consultant in Public Health about the involvement of the hospital in work of the forum.


The Consultant in Public Health commented that the forum is making good progress against the targets in the suicide prevention stakeholder forum action plan and will be reporting to a future meeting of Health Wellbeing Board.


The Consultant in Public Health commented on the positive work by West Midlands Combined Authority in developing Thrive West Midlands which details plans for implementing recommendations from the mental health commission and this includes work to reduce the level of suicides.


The Consultant in Public Health gave an overview of the suicide trends in Wolverhampton since 2002 and progress against the suicide prevention strategy and action plan. The Consultant in Public Health gave examples of the work being done to both promote good mental health among the whole population but also provide specialist support to people considered to be most at risk of suicide. The Consultant in Public Health commented on the importance of training for professionals and lay people to be equipped to have conversations with people who are feeling suicidal and listen and when to signpost the person to another agency.  She made specific referenced to the zero suicide alliance e-learning on suicide prevention and will circulate the link to panel members.


The panel discussed the impact of media reporting of suicides. The Consultant in Public Health commented on the work of Samaritans to deliver training to help journalists prepare reports and the level of detail they should include about the cause and circumstances of death.


The panel discussed the role of GPs in identifying and supporting people. If resources can be identified, this is to be picked up and delivered in partnership with the CCG and needs to be offered to the broader primary care workforce including care navigators and social prescribers.  Public Health to pick this up with the CCG.


The review group discussed the profile of suicides by gender and age. The Consultant in Public Health advised the panel the issue of suicides in middle-aged men will be on the agenda of the next meeting of group. The Consultant in Public Health commented on the plans to get more real-time date from the coroner’s office about suicides - this work needs to be done across the Black Country Region.


The panel discussed research findings which highlighted evidence that some sections of the community were more vulnerable to poor mental health and risk of suicide. The panel discussed the issue of whether specific job occupations were more vulnerable and growing awareness in services of the need to offer work placed counselling.


The Consultant in Public Health advised the panel that unemployment, divorce were known risk factors but was not sure if analysis done by occupation type. The Consultant in Public Health agreed to investigate and report findings to the panel. The panel discussed a report published by Public Health England which had done an audit of suicide data. The Consultant in Public Health agreed to send a copy of the report to the panel. 


The Director of Public Health commented on the issue and need to treat the findings with caution as there is a difference between causation and association. The panel discussed the issue of cluster suicides and the difficulty in understanding the causes and the need for careful investigation.



1.    The panel agreed to note the progress of suicide prevention strategy and action plan.

2.    The panel to receive information about analysis of suicide rate by occupation.

3.    The panel to receive a report by Public Health England on the findings of an audit of suicide data.

4.    Panel to receive link to e-learning on suicide prevention from the zero- suicide alliance

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