Agenda item

Wolverhampton Active Travel Strategy

[Tim Philpot, Section Leader Road Safety, to present draft Active Travel Strategy for Wolverhampton for comment]


Marianne Page, Section Lead – Transportation, presented the report.  Section Lead outlined the background to the development of the active travel strategy and the individuals and groups that had been consulted about the plans. Section Lead commented on the positive response received to the proposals.


Section Lead explained that the refreshed travel strategy is intended to respond to the concerns about obesity and the work done with public health to promote active travel that could contribute to improving the situation. The document will also be used to provide evidence that could support future funding bids.


The focus at this stage was on deciding, based on the comments received, the best that can be achieved with the available resources.


Section Lead commented on the public aspirations of the plan and how this had informed this work.


The panel commented on previous reports highlighting low levels of physical activity in Wolverhampton and its poor performance in national league tables. The panel welcomed any initiatives that could help promote and encourage people to become more physically active. The panel commented that the issue itself has not been given enough priority by the Council in the past and the document presented the opportunity to promote cycling and walking as attractive travel alternatives to the public.


The panel commented that the overall experience of people who either choose to walk for leisure or as alternative to using car or public transport was poor compared to that offered by other cities. The main walking routes into the city centre are along the main routes used by cars and other vehicles which presents a challenge to encouraging people to choose alternatives such as walking or cycling.


The panel discussed the issue of cyclist sharing road space with vehicles and expressed concerns about safety and how best to deal with traffic levels. The panel discussed the benefits of giving cyclists and walkers priority in active travel strategy plan.


The panel commented on previous traffic schemes on A449 Stafford Road aimed at encouraging cyclists to use it. The panel highlighted the importance of seeing what is effective and avoiding piecemeal improvements to the road network which do not encourage cyclists to use them more.


The panel commented on the potential of using canal network route for pleasure and alternatives walking routes. The panel commented on the potential to promote canal routes to the hospital and the health benefits. The panel suggested the installation of mile markers on routes would be helpful in encouraging people to think about alternatives. The panel commented on the potential of using mobile phone technology to give information about walking routes.


The panel queried if the aims and outcomes detailed in the Active Travel Strategy were achievable and its links with other related plans.

Service Lead explained that the plan is a joint venture with other partners and that it is not deliverable by Wolverhampton alone. Service Lead discussed the role of Hugh Porter as the active travel champion. The aim is that activities will start to be implemented from January 2016 onwards.


Cllr John Reynolds responded to comments about the potential to promote the use of canals. Cllr Reynolds explained that members of the Canal and Rivers Trust are working with the Council to look at options to engage the public and to make existing routes more attractive experience for users. Cllr Reynolds commented on the use of solar panel lights installed on the canal towpaths in Birmingham as an example of simple changes that could be made to encourage people to use it. Service Lead commented that this is a good example of an innovative solution to a problem and the plan is aimed at encouraging new ideas which could possibly attract external funding.


The panel praised the report and supported the aims of the plan.




The panel comments on the draft Wolverhampton Active Travel Strategy be noted and included in the revised report to be presented to Cabinet on 9 December 2015.




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