Issue - decisions

Political balance, appointment of the Cabinet, appointments to Scrutiny and Regulatory and other Committees, and appointments to outside bodies for 2021-2022

02/12/2021 - In Year Appointments for the 2021-2022 Municipal Year

1.    That the removal of Councillor Wendy Dalton from the Children, Young People and Families Scrutiny Panel for the remainder of the Municipal year 2021/2022 be approved.

2.    That the appointment of Councillor Mak Singh to the Children, Young People and Families Scrutiny Panel for the remainder of the Municipal year 2021/2022 be approved.

3.    That the removal of Councillor Tersaim Singh from the membership and Chair of the Governance and Ethics Committee for the remainder of the Municipal year 2021/2022 be approved.

4.    That the appointment of Councillor John Reynolds as Chair to the Governance and Ethics Committee for the remainder of the Municipal year 2021/2022 be approved.

5.    That the appointment of Councillor Milkinder Jaspal to the Governance and Ethics Committee for the remainder of the Municipal year 2021/2022 be approved.

6.    That the appointment of Councillor Tersaim Singh to the Vibrant and Sustainable City Scrutiny Panel for the remainder of the Municipal year 2021/2022 be approved.

7.    That the appointment of Councillor Lynne Moran on the Interpersonal Violence Board for the remainder of the Municipal year 2021/2022 be approved.

8.    That Councillor Phil Page be appointed to Kingswood Trust Board for a four year term of office.

04/11/2021 - In Year Appointments for the 2021-2022 Municipal Year

1.     That the appointment of Councillor Milkinder Jaspal to the Audit and Risk Committee for the remainder of the Municipal year 2021/2022 be approved.

2.     That the appointment of co-opted member Tina Richardson, representing Healthwatch Wolverhampton to the Health Scrutiny Panel for the remainder of the Municipal year 2021/2022 be approved.

3.     That the appointment of Councillor Dr Mike Hardacre as a co-opted member on the Strategic SEND and Commissioning Partnership Board be approved.


20/05/2021 - Political balance, appointment of the Cabinet, appointments to Scrutiny and Regulatory and other Committees, and appointments to outside bodies for 2021-2022

1.       That the political composition of the Council, and how this is applied to appointments to Council bodies, in accordance with the political balance model set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved.

2.       That the appointment, by the Leader of the Council, of Councillors to the Cabinet, the specified lead Cabinet Member roles and Cabinet Panels set out in Appendix 2 be noted.

3.       That the appointment of Councillors to the Scrutiny Board, and Scrutiny Panels, including Chairs and Vice-chairs, as set out in Appendix 3 to the report be approved.

4.       That the appointment of Councillors to Regulatory, Oversight and other Committees and advisory groups, including Chairs and Vice-Chairs, and the appointment of Councillor Champions, as set out in Appendix 4 to the report be approved.

5.       That the appointments to Joint Authorities/Committees and Outside Bodies, as set out in Appendices 5 and 6 to the report, including lead, substitute lead and voting Councillors be approved.