Issue - decisions

Lower Bradley Community Centre - Health and Social Care Spoke Development Proposal

08/12/2021 - Lower Bradley Community Centre - Health and Social Care Spoke Development Proposal

1.      That Lower Bradley Community Centre be declared surplus to the Council’s requirements


2.      That disposal of the asset listed to the current occupying GP surgery upon terms and conditions to be agreed for redevelopment as a health and social care spoke facility with provision for the Council to enter into a leaseback arrangement for the continued operation of the community centre, be approved.


3.      That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for City Assets and Housing in consultation with the Deputy Chief Executive to approve the terms of the disposal and leaseback through an Individual Executive Decision Notice.


4.      That it be noted that while there is a financial benefit to the Council as a result of the capital receipt, the ongoing revenue costs associated with the support provided to the Community Association would increase, these costs can however be contained within existing budgets in the event that the further work to explore opportunities to reduce those costs are exhausted without success.


5.      That it be noted that any modest increase in ongoing revenue costs is considered acceptable due to the community benefits that would arise from the revised facility developed on the site.