Issue - decisions

Performance and Budget Monitoring

08/09/2022 - Performance and Budget Monitoring 2022-2023

1.      That the establishment of supplementary expenditure budgets for 2022-2023 as detailed in section 7.0 of the report be approved.


2.      That the use of £6,089 from the Schools Arts Service Reserve as detailed in paragraph 8.4 of the report and the establishment of associated supplementary budgets be approved.


3.      That the use of £1.2 million from the Budget Contingency Reserve as detailed in paragraphs 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7 of the report and the establishment of associated supplementary budgets be approved.


4.      That the use of £120,000 from the Budget Efficiency Reserve as detailed in paragraph 8.8 of the report and the establishment of associated supplementary budgets be approved.


5.      That the use of £100,000 from the Regional Adoption Agency Reserve as detailed in paragraph 8.9 of the report and the establishment of associated supplementary budgets be approved.


6.      That the use of £200,000 from the Transformation Reserve as detailed in paragraph 8.10 of the report and the establishment of associated supplementary budgets be approved.


7.      That the use of £721,000 from the Regeneration Reserve as detailed in paragraph 8.11 of the report and the establishment of associated supplementary budgets be approved.


8.      That the write-off of one Council Tax debts totalling £7,005.66 as detailed in Appendix 8 to the report be approved.


9.      That the 29 virements totalling £14.4 million, for transfers within directorates, as detailed in Appendix 9 to the report be approved.


10.   That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Resources and Digital City and the responsible Cabinet Member of the relevant service area in question, in consultation with the Director of Finance and the relevant Director to allocate budgets from the Corporate Contingency to support Council Priorities and Growth, once business cases have been completed.


11.   That it be noted that the General Fund projected outturn for 2022-2023 is currently forecast to be an overspend of £5.4 million due to the forecast impact of the proposed pay award for 2022-2023 as detailed in section 4 of the report.


12.   That it be noted that forecast outturn position for the year for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) shows a pressure against the approved budget of £354,000, as shown at Table 2 and in detail at Appendix 5 to the report. This would result in a forecast redemption of debt.


13.   That it be noted that 552 council tax accounts totalling £401,879.89, as detailed in Appendix 7 to the report, have been approved for write-off by the Director of Finance in accordance with the Council’s Financial Procedure Rules.


14.   That it be noted that 56 Non-Domestic Rates (NDR) debts totalling £178,017.01, as detailed in Appendix 7 to the report, have been approved for write-off by the Director of Finance in accordance with the Council’s Financial Procedure Rules.


15.   That it be noted that 12 housing benefit overpayments totalling £4,286.96 as detailed in paragraph 11.2 and Appendix 7 to the report, have been approved for write-off by the Director of Finance in accordance with the Council’s Financial Procedure Rules.


16.   That it be noted that 5 sundry debt accounts totalling £9,001.76, as detailed in paragraph 11.2 and Appendix 7 to the report, have been approved for write-off by the Director of Finance in accordance with the Council’s Financial Procedure Rules.


17.   That the Strategic Risk Register as at Appendix 3 to the report be noted.


18.   That the performance against the key indicators as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be noted.