Issue - decisions

ICT and Digital Strategy and Underpinning Digital Transformation Programme

09/11/2017 - Digital Transformation Programme 2017-20

1.    That the implementation of future phases of the Digital Transformation Programme over the period 2017-18 to 2019-20 be approved.


2.    That the allocation of projected capital resources totalling £3.0 million for the delivery of the next phase, Phase 2, of the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Digital Transformation Programme over the period 2017-18 be approved.


3.    That the allocation of additional capital resources totalling £1.0 million for the further rollout of the ICT capital programme during 2017-18 be approved.


19/10/2017 - Digital Transformation Programme 2017-19

That Council be recommended to approve:

1. The implementation of future phases of the Digital Transformation Programme over the period 2017-18 to 2019-20.

2. The allocation of projected capital resources totalling £3.0 million for the delivery of the next phase, Phase 2, of the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Digital Transformation Programme over the period 2017-18.

3. The allocation of additional capital resources totalling £1.0 million for the further rollout of the ICT capital programme during 2017-18.


1. That it be noted that future phases of the Digital Transformation Programme over the period 2018-19 and 2019-20, is anticipated to have a total projected capital cost of £11.0 million and will be subject to Council approval.

2. That it be noted that future funding for the ICT capital programme over the period 2018-19 and 2019-20, is anticipated to have a total projected capital cost of £5.0 million and will be subject to Council approval.

3. That it be noted that the Digital Transformation Programme will build internal capability to support continuous improvement of digital services once the programme itself has been completed.

4. That it be noted that Scrutiny Board have been asked to review the contents of this report and provide feedback to Cabinet ahead of making these decisions to implement future phases of the Digital Transformation Programme.