Issue - decisions

West Midlands Joint Committee

26/04/2018 - West Midlands Joint Committee

That Cabinet recommends that Council:

1. Agree to the dissolution of the West Midlands Joint Committee, for the reasons set out in this report.

2. Agree to set up a Joint Executive Committee with the other six Councils within the West Midlands for the purpose of airport decisions known as West Midlands Shareholders Airport Committee in accordance within the terms of reference set out at Appendix 4 to this report.

3. Agree to the proposals for managing the remaining residual business of the West Midlands Joint Committee once it is dissolved as set out in Appendix 3 to this report.

4. Note that the Monitoring Officer will set out all relevant changes to the Council’s Constitution at a future meeting of Full Council in order to enact recommendations 1 and 2.

5. Authorise the Monitoring Officer to negotiate, execute and complete all legal documents necessary to support and deliver the above recommendation.