Issue - decisions

Political balance, appointment of the Cabinet, appointments to Scrutiny and Regulatory and other Committees, and appointments to outside bodies for 2019-2020

16/05/2019 - Political balance, appointment of the Cabinet, appointments to Scrutiny and Regulatory and other Committees, and appointments to outside bodies for 2019-2020

1.    That the political composition of the Council, and how this is applied to appointments to

Council bodies be approved.

2.    That the appointment, by the Leader of the Council, of Councillors to the Cabinet, the

specified lead Cabinet Member roles and Cabinet Panels be approved.

3.    That the appointment of Councillors to the Scrutiny Board, and Scrutiny Panels, including Chairs and Vice-chairs be approved, subject to Councillor Stephen Simkins appointed to Our Council Scrutiny Panel, Councillor Keith Inston appointed Vibrant and Sustainable City Scrutiny Panel and any vacancies being determined by the Labour Group as detailed in the Appendix 3 to the report.

4.    That the appointment of Councillors to Regulatory, Oversight and other Committees and

advisory groups, including Chairs and Vice-Chairs, and the appointment of Councillor

Champions, be approved.

5.    That the appointments to Joint Authorities/Committees and Outside Bodies, including lead, substitute lead and voting Councillors be approved.